Being a member of the Arkansas State Golf Association offers many benefits:
The ASGA is authorized by the United States Golf Association (USGA) to issue official handicap indexes to our members. Through the USGA’s World Handicapping System, that launched the start of 2020, member’s handicap index will be revised daily, while still receiving E-Revisions on the 1st and 15th of each month. You may post scores at your local club, at an away course, on the Internet, and via the GHIN app found conveniently at your smartphone’s app store.
Arkansas Golfer
Once a year, each ASGA member receives this award-winning magazine, which is the official publication of the ASGA. The magazine contains golf news, features, human-interest stories, and tournament calendar and tournament results.
A very extensive tournament schedule is offered for men, women, junior girls and boys and seniors. The ASGA conducts over 20 state championships, 6+ USGA qualifiers, and offers a designated schedule of events for men, women and juniors.
Arkansas Golf Hall of Fame
The ASGA in 1994 had its inaugural Arkansas Hall of Fame. Each year new and deserving people that have given so much to the game are inducted at an annual banquet held the last week of October and everyone is invited to attend with a purchase of a ticket. Some notables that have been inducted are, John Daly, Byron Nelson, Jack Stephens, Tommy Bolt, and many others.
Arkansas Golf Calendar
Each year the ASGA ask each member club to provide us with a list of their events for the year and then we publish it in the spring issue of the Arkansas Golfer. It lists all sorts of tournaments from scrambles, mixed events to 4-balls. Everyone enjoys have this to plan their summer.
Scholarship Aid
The ASGA provides financial assistance to deserving young men and women attending colleges and universities throughout the country. These awards are based on financial need, not golfing ability. Interested students should contact the ASGA to acquire an application. Since the inception of the program in 1985, we have aided over 130 young adults and have given away over $550,000 in financial aid.
PGA Junior Tour
The ASGA financially assists the Arkansas Chapter PGA with this statewide junior tour. Juniors participate in the region they live through clinics and one-day tournaments.
Hole-In-One Certificates
The ASGA awards hole-in-one certificates to its members at no charge. This certificate, which contains information such as name of course, club used and the names of witnesses is suitable for framing.
Amateur Status
The ASGA, working with the USGA, takes several calls each year concerning amateur status. Re-instatement of Amateur Status must come through your state or regional golf association. Prize certificate maximum has been raised to $750.00 per event.