Q1: How do I join or renew my ASGA membership?
A1: Go to the "Membership" tab and click on "
Join Today." The first page will prompt you to fill in some contact information. Once this is done, you will find a button at the bottom that says "Proceed to Payment" where you will submit a payment for your membership. You're done after this! Once the office has received a confirmation email on your payment, then your GHIN service will be activated.
Q2: How do I register online for an ASGA event?
A2: Go to the "Events" tab and click on "
Upcoming Events." Here you will find a list of all upcoming events listed for this year. Find the tournament you want to register for by searching for it or browsing the lists of events, then click on that event. If online registration is open, you will find a link under the main header for this tournament that says "Register Online." Click this link and proceed through necessary steps in registering for your event, or you can download the registration form through the provided link and mail it to the address given in the form with your payment enclosed.
Q3: Registering online for the first time this year?
A3: The first step is making sure you have an active GHIN number through the ASGA, or through a member club of the ASGA. The next step is creating a golfer profile through the online registration link. When you click the "Register Online" link under an event, you will be taken to our tournament management site called Golf Genius. Click the button in the top right corner of the tab bar that says "Sign In / Register." Here you will "Click Here to Register" (for first time users of the online registration this year). The "Click Here to Register" option will take you through the steps necessary in creating a profile/account for online registration. Once you have filled out the required fields, you will need to click on the home button. This should take you to the home page of the event that you initially clicked on. You will find a registration button on the left hand of the page for the event - click that button and proceed to payment and registration. If you were not taken to the event's home page, then you can simply find the event under the "Events" tab. Check the email you provided while creating your profile - you will receive notifications and confirmations through that email for events you have registered for, tee times, event details, etc.
Q4: How do I register for a USGA qualifying event?
A4: In order to register for a USGA event, you must visit
www.usga.org and go to the "Championships" tab. There you will need to click the option that says "Apply to Play" and find the USGA event you are looking for. After you find your event, you will want to find the link that says "View Qualifying Sites" in order to register at the appropriate site.
Q5: When does my membership expire?
A5: All ASGA memberships ($30 for men/women and $20 for juniors - annually) expire at the beginning of each year, regardless of when you activate your membership. For example - a membership that is paid and activated on May 5, 2023 does not go through to May 5, 2024. To make sure you take full advantage of your ASGA membership, activate your account as soon as possible after the new year!
Q6: Unsure about the accuracy of your handicap, or curious as to how it is calculated?
A6: Your handicap index is not based on score averages. It takes your most recent 20 scores into account, but only 10 of those scores are used. The 10 scores that GHIN uses to calculate your handicap index are based on 1.) the tees you play from 2.) the course rating for those tees, and 3.) the differential in your final score from the course rating for those tees. The main point to take note of is that your handicap is not based on your scores, but rather the differential between your score and the course rating. This is based on the fact that the handicap system was created in a means to calculate a golfer’s potential.
Q7: What is the difference between Designated Events and Sponsored Events?
Q8: Once I have registered online to be an ASGA member, how long does it take to process?
A8: Typically, your membership will be processed and activated within 24 hours. If you have not received confirmation for joining/renewing your membership through the ASGA, contact our Director of Member Services, Tyler Meyl, at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Q9: I am having trouble finding the app for score posting in the app store. Where can I find this?
A9: In the app store on your smart phone/device, search “GHIN” and one of the top selections will be the GHIN Mobile App. Download this app onto your smart device and login with the necessary credentials to start posting scores with ease.
Q10: How many age divisions are there in ASGA events?
A10: Age divisions differ between Men, Women, and Juniors.
Men’s Events – Championship Division (16 years and older), Mid-Amateur Division (35 years and older), Senior Division (50 years and older), Super-Senior Division (60 years and older), and Legends Division (70 years and older).
Women’s Events - Championship Division (16 years and older), Mid-Amateur (25 years and older), Senior Division (50 years and older), Super-Senior Division (60 years and older), and Legends Division (70 years and older).
Junior Events - Junior events are held for ages 12 to 18 (boys and girls).
Q11: Who can I contact to assist me with challenges in joining/renewing my ASGA membership?
Q12: Who can I contact to assist me with questions or concerns regarding ASGA tournaments/events?
Q13: I posted an incorrect score by mistake; can I edit this score?
A13: You may edit or delete a score that you have posted only within 24 hours from the time the score was posted. After this 24-hour period, only the club administrator can edit/delete the score. Scores that are edited will be denoted by a “#” beside the score in the scoring record.
Q14: I have added at least 5 scores to my GHIN account, but it shows “NH” for my handicap index. Why do I not have a Handicap Index?
A14: Handicap Indexes are updated on the 1st and 15th of each month. You will receive your Handicap Revision via email that is associated with your ASGA account. Any scores posted between the 1st and the 15th will only impact your trend index.
Q15: Do you need to be a member of the ASGA to play in ASGA tournaments?
A15: Yes, in order to be eligible to participate in ASGA events, you must either be a direct, active member of the ASGA (i.e. pay your annual dues through the Arkansas State Golf Association), or be an active member at one of our member clubs. However, Junior Members must be members of the ASGA Junior Program ($20 annual membership) to be eligible for ASGA Junior Events. A junior membership at a member club does not cover their eligibility to participate in our junior tournaments.
Q16: What is a USGA Handicap Index and how do I get one?
A16: The purpose of the USGA Handicap System is to make the game of golf more enjoyable by enabling players of differing abilities to compete equitably. It’s based on the premise that a handicap should measure a golfer’s potential ability to play, not necessarily how he is currently playing.
While the USGA developed the rules of the Handicap System and the formulas used in its calculation, it does not issue them directly to individual golfers. The USGA grants each state association a license to utilize its system. By joining the ASGA, you automatically get a handicap.
Q17: I want to wait until I play better before getting a handicap.
A17: Actually this is the perfect time to get a handicap. Imagine someone who decides to lose weight and goes on a diet. The first thing you would purchase is a scale in order to monitor progress and help set goals. The handicap is the equivalent to the dieter’s scale. Your handicap is the only true gauge by which to measure your progress as your golfing ability improves. By using it to set and achieve short-term goals each time you play, you are working toward your long-term goal of improving, which is demonstrated by a decrease in your handicap. When the dieter hops on the scale and sees his weight drop, he will feel the same sense of self-accomplishment that you will when you see your handicap drop.
Q18: Why do I need a handicap? I don’t play in tournaments.
A18: Many people are intimidated by the word “tournament” because it draws to mind the high-profile events such as the State Amateur and the ASGA Match Play Championship. The percentage of members who play in these events is actually very small. There are hundreds of tournaments every year that include some relaxing and fun formats for individuals as well as teams. You never know when your co-workers, friends, or in-laws might ask you to play in a corporate outing or a charity event, and a handicap gives you the option of saying “I’d love to!”
Do you play at least five times a year? Of course you do! Did you know that you only need five scores to have an official USGA Handicap Index calculated? Eventually, it will be based on the last twenty scores in your score history, but five is the minimum to get started.
Q19: What does the letter next to my Handicap Index mean?
A19: The following is a list of possible handicap index designations:
- J = Local Nine-hole Handicap for player's home course.
- L = Local Handicap for player's home course.
- M = Modified Index (Index has been changed by the golfer's handicap committee)
- N = Nine-hole USGA Handicap Index
- R = Reduction (Reduced automatically by GHIN program for exceptional tournament play
Q20: What does the letter(s) next to my scores mean?
A20: The letter(s) after each score indicate(s) specific aspects of a score within a player’s record. The following is a list of possible score types:
- A = Away
- I = Internet
- AI = Away Internet
- P = Penalty
- C = Combined Nines
- T = Tournament
- TI = Tournament Internet
- CI = Combined Internet Scores
Q21: What does the
A21: The "R" indicated that your handicap index has been “reduced” due to exceptional tournament scores. The USGA Handicap System automatically reduces the handicap index of a player who consistently scores better in competitions than in informal play. The procedure requires a player have two or more eligible tournament scores and a minimum of two tournament score differentials which are at least three strokes better than the player's current handicap index. An eligible tournament score is a tournament score made within the current year or a tournament score made within the players last twenty scores. All tournament scores posted will stay on a scoring record for a year from the date that they were made. A tournament score may stay on a record longer if in a year it is still a part of the most recent twenty scores.
Q22: Can I post out of state rounds?
A22: Yes. Many states use the Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN) system so you can post a round score the same way you would at an away club in Arkansas. Even if the state does not use the GHIN system you can post your score manually by entering the Course Rating™ and Slope Rating®.
Q23: What is a course handicap?
A23: A Course Handicap represents the number of strokes needed to play to the level of a scratch golfer—or the Course Rating™ of a particular set of tees. A Course Handicap is expressed as a whole number (e.g. 15).